Reports for the G20 Digital Economy Task Force
The documents that guided the discussion on the priority thematic areas addressed by the DETF are available for download

During the dialogue on digital issues among G20 countries three reports were developed, with the support of the OECD. These documents, consistent with the pragmatic approach adopted by the Italian Presidency, guided the discussion on the three priority thematic areas, stimulated the collection of practices and case studies, and inspired the commitments agreed to in the Declaration.
1. G20 Compendium on the use of digital tools
The Compendium ensures continuity in public services by collecting practical solutions aimed to guide the implementation of integrated rights-based, human-centric, user- driven, transparent, safe and secure, resilient, proactive, ethical and inclusive public services at all levels of government.
2. G20 Collection of Digital Identity practices
The Collection gathers experiences of interoperable, portable and reusable digital identity solutions as a tool that can transform the capacity of citizens to timely access the benefits and services they are entitled to, in an exercise of mutual learning and international dialogue.
3. Survey on agile regulation across G20 Members
The Survey collects the different models adopted to promote more agile, flexible and resilient regulation, also through the use of regulatory sandboxes: safe and limited spaces where experimentation can be carried out.